

Two ghosts

完了/すべてそろった   all set

Two ghosts hug each other. After putting salt in the white ghost and pepper in the black ghost, you are all set.They are salt and pepper shakers. Their silhouette is cute and furthermore, they are very tiny and compact. It will suit our tiny Japanese table.
081211  s  two goasts.jpgにほんブログ村 英語ブログへbanner_02.gif←I appreciate your vote!
Two ghosts come together for 3465 yen. I found these at Sempre Kottodori in Aoyama, Tokyo.





にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語学習者へbanner_02.gif

hug each other  お互いに抱きあう。
you are all set 準備完了!  たとえば買い物が終わってこれですべてです、というようなときもI’m all set.なんて風に使います。
salt/ pepper shaker  塩コショウ入れ。     silhouette シルエット。(スペルが難しい~!)
further more さらに。    tiny  小さな。    suit ぴたりとあう。


  1. Hyang より:

    What cute sundries!
    You have definitely a good taste in sundries. I am sure about that.
    Your blog tells about that well!^^
    Anyway I like to find nice sundries not only cut,but also practical.

  2. Yoko Ueno より:

    Hi Hyang-san,

    Thanks for your comment!
    Yeah,they are really cute.
    I enjoy looking at this kind of soundry goods. I’m sure you too!

    Very best!
