

A cool café in a multi-tenant building

ボロく古い・安っぽい tacky ランキングはココ
/うっかり~しがち It’s easy to~今日は何位

I had a meeting with an editor, K-san. She always finds a cool café regardless of my selfish choice of meeting area.

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Today, we came to café Pile, which is located in a multi-tenant building. It has a lot of antique furniture but has a somewhat pop atmosphere.
今日は、雑居ビルの中のカフェ・Pile. ちょっぴりアンティークなのに、ポップ感あるお店。

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Their “Tiramisu café” sounds delicious, but “ it is nothing special.” K-san said. (Are you sure!? It seems really delicious though…)


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Behind the shop was like this. It seems as if it was created for the cafe; rather than existing there before. I rather like the tacky atmosphere.

Cafe Pile is located at right across from the live house “Milk,”close to Ebisu station. It’s easy to miss the entrance.


regardress of~ ~にも書かかわらず。 selfish 自分勝手な。
be located in~ ~に存在する。 multi-tenant building 雑居ビル。
has a somewhat ~ atmosphere どこか~な雰囲気を持つ。
behind~ ~の後ろ側に。   A rather than B BよりもむしろA。
rather like むしろ好きだ。 
right across from~ ちょうど~から渡ったところ。
It’s easy to miss~ 簡単に見逃しがちな。
