

Merry you!

~に参加する・一端を担う  participate in ~

There are many colorful pictures of “merry” faces on the walls in Starbucks. Each picture makes me smile and feel happy. This is the project called “Merry you”. The project producer says “We believe each person that participates in MERRY minds and cares for the Earth in their smiles and their messages will link to each other across global borders.” I’m sure those pictures will make you happy.
081125  s  Merry you.jpgにほんブログ村 英語ブログへbanner_02.gif←I appreciate your vote!
I love the baby’s smile the best. You can enjoy these pictures at Starbucks Ginza Marnier Street until Christmas. Also, you can post your Merry message on this site Merry You

英語上達したい!? ならココ


“陽気な”顔の写真が、銀座スタバの壁いっぱいに! 写真を見ると、思わずニッコリ、幸せな気分に。“メリー・ユー”(あなたを楽しませたい!)というプロジェクトだとか。「誰もがmerryに賛同して、笑顔で地球を思いやれば、その思いは国境を越えてつながっていくことでしょう」とプロデューサー。写真を見たらきっとそれだけでも幸せなキブンに。

Merry You

にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語学習者へbanner_02.gif

merry 陽気な    participate in~ ~に参加する・関与する。
care for ~ ~を気にかける link to each other  お互いにリンクし合う


  1. hyang より:

    Hello, Ueno-san.
    I’ m visiting your blog again!
    Because I like what you write.

    Your writings give me “Merry Smile”^^
    When I read your blog, I feel like going to the places where you went, trying to do what you did.
    Anyway “Your world” really attracts me!

  2. Yoko Ueno より:

    hyang san,

    Thanks for your warm comment!
    It makes me very happy♪

    Please drop by anytime.
    You are more than welcome!!

