打ち上げ a party to celebrate / ほっぺが落ちそうにおいしい scrumptious
We had a party to celebrate forEnglish Presentations The Steve Jobs Wayat a small French restaurant, where someone said that once you ate the cuisine, you’d never forget the taste, located in a back street in Gotanda.
Salad, Pate , and roasted duck were all scrumptious! Especially the hot desert called Far Breton with cold ice cream on the top was very impressive. サラダもパテも、メインのジビエも超美味ながら、最後にいただいた熱々のファーブルトンにアイスが乗ったデザートが特に印象的。
I enjoyed the great cuisine and time with those great people at a tiny restaurant. The owner sent us off after the dinner.
お店は東京都品川区西五反田2-18-3 グレイス五反田105。五反田駅から3分くらいかな?です。
a party to celebrate for~ ~の打ち上げ。
cuisine 料理
back street 路地裏
scrumptious (ほっぺたが落ちそうに)とてもおいしい。
impressive 印象深い。感動する。
tiny 小さな
sent 人 off 人を見送る。