

I see! Shoes display at Spiral

なるほど! スパイラルの靴ディスプレイExpressionきちんと整った・いい感じの  neatI found a very neat shoes display at Spiral hall on 246 ave.When I saw t...

Is this real?

これってホ・ン・モ・ノ?Expressionーだろうなぁ  it would be ーThis omelet looks real but actually this is a fake omelet, which you can find...

Tiny Dolls Festival 

ちょっとした雛祭りExpression人指し指  forefingerThese Hina Dolls are made of glass and really tiny. The size is about the size of the...

Web like window frame

くもの巣みたいな窓枠Expression自己主張をする assertiveWhen you look at this picture, you may feel as if you are walking on a web?This i...