Web like window frame



自己主張をする assertive

When you look at this picture, you may feel as if you are walking on a web?
This is a stairway at the Prada building. The building has not only a cool design, but also a nice night view toward Roppongi area.
07028 小 プラダビル.jpgブログランキング・にほんブログ村へ
There are many cool, modernly designed buildings in this area. The building two doors away, which Chloe is in, is also very stylish. But each building has too assertive a designand you can’t see any harmony as an avenue …



as if ー  まるでーのように
web  ウェブ・くもの巣。インターネットの”ウェブ”は、「くもの巣のように張り巡らされた」という意味からきてるんですね。
stairway 階段      not only A but also B   AばかりでなくB     
night view 夜景     towardー -方面に

modernly 近代的に   two doors away 二軒先
