アメリカ人女将ジニーさんのお宿~藤屋 銀山温泉


Radical new Japanese style Fujiya-inn.

~で有名 famous for~  / 露天風呂 open-air bath

Among old Taisho era buildings, Fujiya inn, which is famous for it’s American Okami, Jinny-san, was rebuilt three years ago into a radical new Japanese style .
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Our suite had three parts; wood, tatami mat, and stone floors. A bath tub is in the middle of the room with the town view! Other than that, Fujiya has 5 private natural hot spring baths including an open-air bath, bamboo bath and others. Above all, their Japanese style dinner and hospitality are fabulous.
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The building designer, Kengo Kuma, is famous for designs using wood and bamboo.Youka was playing with one part of his design , the room bath, which has a curve on the bottom, as a slide…
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私が泊まった部屋には、木・畳・石の三つのフロアがありました。部屋の真ん中にはお風呂があって、町の風景も眺められます。加えて、藤屋には半露天風呂、竹風呂など5つの温泉家族風呂。そしてなによりも、日本食の夕食とおもてなしが絶品! でした。

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