

Love, love, love

ラブ、ラブ、ラブExpressionいずれにしても  At any rateIn this season, you can find many heart-shaped things everywhere, because of Valen...

Sunset Color

夕日の色Expression日常の忙しさ  business of lifeYou have many chances to see the sunset in your daily life, but you tend to miss ...

Rice cracker in Love!?

恋する煎餅!?Expressionーと名づけられる  be named ーI found a rice cracker, which is named “Koisuru Senbei”. This is just for Valentin...

Great Cactus

サボテンてスゴイExpression世話が簡単  easy to take care ofI often go to a plant shop just to look around. A cactus is especially ea...

A Chair is a chair

椅子は椅子Expressionーのように見える   look likeーIt looks like a heart, but the red, heartshaped thing is a chair, designed by Vitra....

Dried fruit…Figs

ドライフルーツ・・・無花果(いちじく)Expression体重が増える put on weight.I eat dried fruit, such as prunes, dried raisins and so on every da...

Dry skin…

乾燥した肌Expression肌をなめらかにする soothe one’s skinMy skin gets dry in this season. I bought Avene water to soothe my irritat...

Healthy lunch with a great view!

眺めのいい、ヘルシーランチExpressionリーズナブルな価格  good dealI visited a restaurant at the top of St.Luke’s tower for lunch. The simply se...


刀ショクニンExpressionAをBに置き換える replace A with BI replaced my knives with GLOBAL ones. The box says “A thousand years ago,...

Driving Music

ドライブの音楽Expression―にぴったりの fit forーI like listening to music and driving a car.i-Dep's album "smile exchange" is nice a...

Sweet Ponkan

甘~いポンカンExpressionちょっと待って Wait a minuteToday, I bought some Ponkan. I think Ponkan has a better smell than Mikan so it’s...

Piero Lissoni

ピエーロ・リッソーニExpression以前はーだった    used toーI stayed at a stylish hotel reflecting the sophistication and complex ci...

Miya & Taiyo

ミヤと太陽Expression言われてみれば   When one comes to think of itA Friend of mine sent me a picture of her kids, Miya & Taiyo.They ...

I love milky,though…

ミルキー大好きなのに……Expression賞味期限 use-by dateFujiya is embroiled in a scandal over using ingredients whose use-b...

It’s a rainbow!

虹だ!Expressionーを思い出す   It reminds me ofーI found a small pretty rainbow at Heiwa park fountain.I haven’t seen a rainbow in...