Cutie Cute Kewpie Chanel!


超カワイイ キューピー・シャネル

-に首ったけ be madly in love with-

Kewpies are on the march at Ginza Chanel, right across the street from Matuya. Those Kewpie-like dolls are in black Channel suits with black sunglasses. If you go to Ginza, you should visit the shop and see them! You’ll be madly in love with them!
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I’m not sure how many dolls are there. It’s worth it to see them!ブログランキング・にほんブログ村へ




on the march  行進中    right across the street  ちょうど道をわたったところ
in black suits  黒いスーツを着ている


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