

Jamón ibérico Iberico ham

塩漬けの cured / 乾しておく  leave to dry

Jamon iberico is a type of jamon, a cured hamproduced only in Spain and Portugal.The hams from the pigs are salted and left to begin drying for two weeks, after which they are rinsed and left to dry for another four to six weeks. It’s one of the most tasty Jamons.
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I had one at Spanish bal “Spain de casa de macha” at Mita, Tokyo. Not so many restaurants serve “real” ham.




東京三田にあるスペインバル・カサ・デ・マンチャでスペイン産のおいしいハムがいただけます!本物が食べられるところは少ないみたいです。〒108-0073 東京都港区三田3-1-19

にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語学習者へbanner_02.gif

Jamon ハムのスペイン語。   cured 塩漬けの  leave to dry  干しておく。
Rinse すすぐ。


  1. Hyang より:

    Jamón ibérico !

    Thank you for giving an imformation of the restaurant!
    I sometimes go to Mita,because my gradmother lives in Shibaura.
    Before reading your blog,I’ve never eaten Jamón ibérico. But recently I could have chance to eat it.
    The tasete was not bad. But I really want to go to the restaurant you mentioned!

  2. Yoko Ueno より:

    Hi Hyang san,

    Wow,Your grandma lives in Shibaura! It’s a really nice area to live. Do you often vist her? You might see Tokyo tower very close to it. The restaurant is a really small one, but you might feel at east at the restaurant!

