

The reputation of Azuki Pepsi in foreign countries

奇抜な・おかしな wacky

I tried Azuki Pepsi, a Japanese original product. It slightly has the flavor of Azuki red beans, but Azuki are not included in the ingredients. I found some comments, on YouTube, saying “the wacky Japanese…” and “some weird pairings out there” or something like that. Mmm, I agree with you guys in a way, but the taste is acceptable for me. You can find some other “wired” Japanese snacks, such as Cucumber Pepsi, Shiso Pepsi and so on, on You Tube introduced by foreigners.100201  s  Pepsi.jpg
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英語ぐんぐん上達!はココ   人気ランキングならここへ☆


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slightly かすかに。   flavor 香り。味わい。
be included in~ ~に含まれる。 ingredients 原材料。  wacky 奇抜な・頭のおかしな。  weird 奇妙な。  
I agree with you guys. このguysはスラングで”あなたたち”といったニュアンスで使います。
Cucumber きゅうり。

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