

Dining bar Yaoyorozu

坂の小路 a small sloping alley

Walking up a small sloping alley in Kagurazaka, you can find many sophisticated Japanese style restaurants. There is a pond right in front of the dining bar “Yaoyorozu,” and an elevator. This is the fusion of modern and traditional Japanese styles. A huge weaved rope is hung above the counter. This is a place worth visiting.
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The address of Yaoyorozu is 2F 3-1 Kagurazaka Shinjyuku, Tokyo. Three minutes walk from Metro Iidabashi station #B3 exit.
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八百萬はメトロ飯田橋駅B3を出て3分ほど。住所は新宿区神楽坂3-1 2階です。

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