I dropped by one of my favorite sushi restaurants after a long time.
Whenever I don’t feel like thinking of trivial matters, I just order chef’s choice.
This time, they served Botan shrimp, fatty beef sashimi, fatty tuna, sea urchin, arch shell and so on. You know what!? This is only 3500 yen! That is a really good deal for these neta (ingredients,) isn’t it?
今回は、ボタンエビ、牛肉の霜降り、中トロ、うに、赤貝……ほか。で、これでなんと3500円! このネタに破格値なのでした。
Sushi Tachibana is a 15 minute walk from Sendai station. It’s right across a small street from Fujisaki toward the west. Café chanoir is on the first floor of the same building.
drop by ~ ~に立ち寄る。 after a long time 久しぶりに。
feel like ~ ing. ~する気分で。 trivial matters 細かな事。
chef’s choice (シェフの)おまかせ料理。
fatty beef 霜降り牛。 fatty tuna トロ。
sea urchin うに。 good deal いい価格。
ingredients 原材料。