

Gorbachev & Louis Vuitton

-の帰り道に on the way back fromー

The guy in the recent Louis Vuiton’s advertisement is Mikhail Gorbachev*, the last leader of the USSR. This picture, in which Gorbachev has a LV’s bag beside him was not taken for the advertisement, but taken in front of the Berlin wall on the way back from a conference.The poster says: “Why do people travel? To know the world? Or To change the world?”

*Mikhail Gorbachev :The last leader of the Soviet Union, serving from 1985 until its collapse in 1991.
070925  s  Golvy.jpgにほんブログ村 英語ブログへbanner_02.gif←I appreciate your vote!
★It’s very ironic that the leader of a socialist country had a bag which was one of the icons of democracy. This wasn’t just a pose, he really had one. The poster is really cool because of its reality anyways.


ルイ・ヴィトンの最近の広告に登場するのは、なんとあのミハエル・ゴルバチョフ*。ソビエト連邦の最後の書記長です。このゴルバチョフが脇にヴィトンのカバンを置いた写真は、広告のために撮られたものではなくて、ある会議の帰り道にベルリンの壁の前で撮影されたもの。ポスターには「なぜ人は旅をするのか? 世界を知るため?それともそれを変えるため?」と書かれています。


カッコイイ! なんて感想だけではすまない、

にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語学習者へbanner_02.gif

advertisement 広告。    
USSR (United States of Soviet Republic)  旧ソヴィエト連邦。ロシアの前身ですね。
put-beside… -を。。。の横に置く。
on the way back from- -からの帰り道。

ironic 皮肉な。
icon 象徴。        democracy 民主主義


  1. Derek より:

    That’s a very interesting photo and advertisement. It must have been taken before the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 – a long time ago!! I think the advertising and marketing in Japan is very innovative.

    p.s. Just a small note, but I think it should be “ironic” rather than “ironical” in that sentence. Not many people use the word “ironical” although I’m sure you’ll be understood 🙂

  2. Yoko Ueno より:

    Hi Derek san,

    Yeah! this picture is really cool and rich in nuance. I’m very curious that how many Japanese girls, who love Louis Vuitton, know his name;)

    BTW, thanks for your note! I really appreciate it. This is my today’s study:)

  3. Maco より:

    コメントを入力してくださいHi Recola,
    This ad. is interesting. I respect Gorbachev so much.
    He deserved to get the prize. He definitely changed the world, didn’t he?

  4. Yoko Ueno より:

    Hi Maco san,

    Yeah, Gorbachev left the fame of good works and defianitely changed the world!

  5. ルイ・ヴィトン バッグ

    ルイ・ヴィトンの初期のキャディーバッグを、探しています。手に入るところを ご存…ルイ・ヴィトンの初期のキャディーバッグを、探しています。手に入るところ…
