

The very hungry Catepiller

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A love of books is one of the greatest gifts parents can give a kid. Wondering if this was too difficult for a baby, I bought “The very hungry Catepiller” when Youka was 7-month-old.This has become one of her favorite.She flips over the pages of the book by herself.The illustrations are bright and cheerful, the writing is full of fun. I hope she always has a love of books.
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The story is…
A young caterpillar is born and begins to eat his way through the world and through many foods. It becomes a fat caterpillar. It then spins itself a cocoon, where it rests for two weeks. And when it emerges…
While kids are fascinated by the story and magical process of metamorphosis, from egg to butterfly, he/she also learns about numbers, counting, colors and the days of the week.



にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語学習者へbanner_02.gif

a love of ~  ~を愛する気持ち。 a love of nature, a love of reading, a love of eating….なんでも^^。
one of her favorite 彼女のお気に入りのひとつ。  flip over the pages ページをぱらぱらめくる。
bright 鮮やかな。         full of fun   楽しいところがたくさん! 楽しさに満ち溢れた感じ。
she has a love o books  本を愛好する。本が好き、というときの表現ですね。
