

It’s nice but a bit scary!

ひいおじいちゃん・おばあちゃん great-grandpa/great-grandma

We took Youka to great-grandpa and great-grandma’s home. They were so happy to see Youka. Youka also enjoyed the stay. Just the thing is…their house was built in the end of Edo period and they even had old Japanese warehouses, Kura. It’s a very nice and old house, however, the atmosphere was a bit scary for me as if the house were haunted by ghost…excuse me! This is one of good memories of this summer.
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070816 s ネコと茶瓶1.jpg

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great-grandpa/great-grandma  ひいおじいちゃん・ひいおばあちゃん。
be happy to do よろこんでdoする。
Just the thing is…ただ言うならば。でもね。(つなぎで言う言葉です)
nice and old いい感じに古い。このnice & ….は、…をいい意味で強めるときによく使う表現です。
bit 少し。
……be haunted by ghost  ……にお化けがでる。


  1. All Stars / 1周年特別番組☆アンコールImagine-peace & Friends

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  2. All Stars / 1周年特別番組☆アンコールImagine-peace & Friends

    For this one week, thank you for arrival to this web page. In response to an …

  3. All Stars / 1周年特別番組☆アンコールImagine-peace & Friends

    For this one week, thank you for arrival to this web page. In response to an …

  4. natsuwo-beer より:

    I’m sure your daughter is enjoying her summer! Of course you too! Yeah, me too! 😀

  5. Yoko Ueno より:


    I know that you had a great summer vacation too^^。
