

Lunch in a haze at Conran shop café人気ランキングは何位?I’m working on a project related to Conran shop, so I had lunch at Conran ...


Nouvelle Wasanbon 人気ランキング何位?Expression菓子職人 confectioner / 特産品 specialty product・local productThis sweet is made of Japa...

ミシュランと占い師さん ~ル・ブール・ノワゼット

A fortune teller and a Michelin restaurant人気ランキング何位?I attended a party held by Gan-san, who runs his own travel agency. ...


Ox tongue restaurantExpression~漬けの pickled / 国内(産)の domestic 人気ランキングは何位?I had Gyutan specialties at Dateno Gyutan Restau...


Fruits park人気ランキング何位?Fruits park is a place where you can enjoy many kinds of fruit and fruit trees throughout the year...


Trust chef’s choice. 人気ランキング何位?I dropped by one of my favorite sushi restaurants after a long time.久しぶりに好きなお寿司屋さんに。Whene...


B.Pochai's house 人気ランキングは何位?I visited an Asian restaurant which in a renovated old storage house.古い倉庫を改装したアジアンなレストランに古い友...

スティーブ・ジョブズ 驚異のイノベーション

The Innovation Secrets of Steve Jobs: Insanely Different Principles for Breakthrough Success Expression 退任する res...

地産地消のフレッシュ朝食 ~アルケッチャーノ トマム

Fresh Breakfast of local production for local consumptionExpression地産地消 local production for local consumption / 五穀 five...

泡期の名残り…アルファリゾート トマム

A hotel remnant of the bubble eraExpression倒産する went bankrupt / さすが(思ったように)~ as may be expected of ~We stayed at a hotel...

草原にポツリ ~美瑛 親子の木

A family tree in BieiExpressionちょっと変わった並びの uniquely linedThere are many uniquely lined trees in Biei, Hokkaido.北海道の美瑛町。こ...

花の絨毯、色とりどりに~富田ファーム 富良野

Spread of Colorful Flowers - Tomita Farm Expression均一に(規則正しく) evenly Tomita farm is the place you’ll probably see as o...


A World famous Italian chef’s seasonal restaurant Expression通年の year-round / 最大限にする(引き出す) maximizeI could make a reser...

空飛ぶペンギン ~ 旭山動物園

Flying PenguinsExpression筒型の tube-shaped I visited Asahiyama zoo in Hokkaido after five years.My last visit was for my a...


Biz lunch at AW kitchen.Expressionシャキッとさせる(目を覚まさせる)。make someonoe feel awake.I had a biz meeting over cute meals with ch...