

Laughs on Your Luggage Expression自分の~を確認する。 Identify your~. Identify your luggage from afar with these vivid luggage tag...


Talk over chocolate with salt grain and cookieExpressionお菓子屋さん confectionaryI had a meeting with Koga-san, editor-in-chi...


Party at the oldest apartment in Japan.Expression気前のいい generous Yamagata-san holds an “irregular party” once in a while,...

しゃぶしゃぶ五穀御膳 東風吹かば

Shabu-shabu: expecting to have vigorous skinExpressionぷるぷるの肌 tender, smooth and vigorous skin (注)/ 裏ごしした pureed I had a ...


Lunch at MotownExpressionボリューム満点 substantial volume I had a biz lunch with editor Akazawa-san. He took me to an open-air...

スヌーピーのB to B

Happiness is a warm puppy. Expressionテレビで放映される be on TVSnoopy’s exhibition for B to B was held at TEPIA, where I walked ...


People who you’d like to see again~についてしゃべり倒す chat away about~ /自衛隊 self defense force I attended a party, “People who ...


Chatting at an Italian restaurantExpressionそっちのけで totally ignoring~I went to Shirokane after a long time.久しぶりの白金エリア。Whil...


Winery on the top of the hillExpression~によくあう go well with~ There is a Suntory’s winery at the top of a small hill in Ya...

ごはんBAR ちろりん村

A café with a small pond and nice furnitureExpression一体化する be unified with~I had lunch with friends of mine from Jr. Hig...

日本一おいしいお水~ 忍野八海

Natural springs around the foot of Mt. FujiExpression引き込まれる be drawn into~ /反射するreflect on~ The water from Oshino-hakkai...

神楽坂のスペインバル ~El Pulpo

Spanish Bar at KagurazakaExpressionたわいもない話 small talk / ちょっといい時間 nice and easy time I was strolling around Kagurazaka a...


Still water fishes and virtual realityExpression淡水魚 still water fish / ~とみなすtake A to be B There is a still water fish ...


I came back to myself these days.Expressionふと、我にかえる come back to oneself / チュッ(とキスする)smackThe other day, I took Youka to...


Nagomi-kai~越しに話をする talk over~/ 隠れ家 hide-away/ ほっとする雰囲気 easy atmosphere I attended a female gathering held in a penthouse...