
夜中の高熱 ~ Doctors on Call

High fever in the middle of the night ~ Doctors on callExpression抗生物質 antibiotic medication / 解熱剤 antipyretic medication...


Italian restaurant with a night view of the harborExpression(効果なく)無駄に  in vainThe concierge couldn’t make a reservation...

老舗のホテルの滞在 ~ ハレクラニ

Halekulani, Waikiki We stayed at the Halekurani Hotel at the end of the last year. It’s a very old hotel but the interio...

ユーロアジアンな料理 ~インディゴ

Euro Asian restaurant, Indigo ~Expressiongo well with~ ~とよくあう。I asked the concierge to make a reservation at a local re...

ダイヤモンドヘッドの表情 ~久々のブログ更新です!

The expression of Diamond HeadExpressionあらためて once againThese pictures are the sunrise and the sunset at Waikiki beach. ...


Warmest wishes...Expressionよいお年を Happiness for the coming year I’m writing this blog after a while.Finally, I completed ...

絶品! あんとろり

Japanese sweet bean paste sweets “Antorori.”Expressionあんこ sweet bean paste/ 水あめ liquid candyA friend of mine gave me Ant...

「ネイティブに伝わる 英語のルールとマナー」

Dear readers;みなさまへ「Essential English rules and manners」 enjoyed a really good reputation and released the 6th edition no...


Fried garlic and Japanese beef steaks.Expression産地 production area /香り高い rich in flavorI went to Ichimuan, a Kyoto style...


Play in the river with cold spring. Expressonホタル firefly / えさ bait / 浅瀬 shallow waterI went to the river close to my re...


Look at the camera, please!Expressionありがちな cliché / その調子 that’s the way!I held a photo shooting with insects. These are...


Foreigners and TempuraExpressionすだれ bamboo blind / ふと耳にする overhearI had a lunch meeting at a tempura restaurant on 13th...

蔵のある家 ~ぴいちゃんち

Great-grand-mother’s house which has old starage house. Expression 田んぼ rice paddy We visited Youka’s great-grand-...


Today’s leading role is…Expressionやんちゃな・いたずらな naughtyThe other day...I went to Kiyotaka Minami, a food producer’s birthd...


Easy to cook! Crispy burdock root fries.Expressionさて、どうしようかな Let me see.../ゴボウburdock rootI was eager to eat something s...