

Heated stone grilled beefExpressionジュージュー音をたてる make a sizzling soundThe grilled beef made a sizzling sound on the heated...


Tokyo Metoropolitan Govenment Office - As if I’m in the Blade Runner’s world.Expression~に引き込まれる be drawn into~I felt as...


Mad Strawberry直径~センチ centimeter in diameterA friend of mine sent me huge strawberries. They are so much bigger than usua...


Chocolate Beer二度見する  do double takeI found some dark colored can at a supermarket. It has the name of Royce and Sapporo ...


Play with snow in the sunshineExpression子供の頃に戻ったような I feel like going back to being a little kid.The day after we had th...


Lovers Rock CaféExpression雑居ビル multiple-tenant building / ~全体に広がる spread throughout~I just dropped by a popular h...


The reputation of Azuki Pepsi in foreign countriesExpression奇抜な・おかしな wacky I tried Azuki Pepsi, a Japanese original pro...


Rising sun at the outside bathExpression朝の静けさ serenity of the morning/ ふと目覚める wake up suddenlyI woke up suddenly and fou...


Matuzaka beefExpressionなめらかな(舌触り) very smooth texture / わざわざ~にやってくる come all the way to~We came all the way to Mie, so...


Soothed by Dugong (Sea Cow)Expressionオシャレな sophisticated / 玄人・マニア experienced people We came to Toaba aquarium. This is...

海が見える温泉とスペイン村 ~志摩スペイン村

Spain village with Onsen bath with a sea viewExpressionよくできた well-made /期待以上の more than I expectedSima Spanish Village i...


Okage-YokochoExpression感謝を表す show one’s appreciation/ 商売繁盛 business success To show appreciation for their business suc...

大風大波水しぶき ~夫婦岩

a couple of small rocky among splashes!Expression~近海にある   in the sea off~Meoto Iwa (or the Husband-and-Wife Rocks) are a...

新年のゲクウ・ナイクウ ~ 伊勢神宮

Ise Grand Shrine Expression~から成る be composed of~ / たくさんの a large number of ~s.I visited Ise Gingu (Ise Grand Shrine)for ...


How to clean your room.Expression積み重なり・山 pile / きちんと積み重ねる stack~neatlyI have to clean up my place…and found “how to clea...