

Floating in the air.Expressionすーっと動く move smoothly / 自由気まま free and easyI just looked up at the sky in Shinjyuku.There...

今日の名言「ベンジャミン・バトン 数奇な人生」

It's never too late.「遅すぎることは何もない」For what It’s worth, it’s never too late…or, in my case, too early…”to be whoever you w...


Creating a lunch box for YoukaExcursion遠足 excursion / ~とみなす I assume~I had an excursion with Youka and made so-called “C...


Lunch at Aux AmisExpression適度な・粋な遅れ  fashionably late (以下に解説あります☆↓)I had lunch at Aux Amis. I was supposed to have lunch...

天狗の塔! 羽黒山五重塔

The five-story pagodaExpression国宝 national treasure / じっとたつ stand still It suddenly appeared among trees. Standing still...


A café at a houseExpression肉じゃが simmer meat and potato / 酢漬け pickled petals / 塩漬けsaucedThere is a very comfy roo...


Scatter autumnal leaves on the groundExpressionかさかさいう音 dry and crispy noiseThe leaves were still green just a week ago.N...


Roast beef with spicy savorExpression肉汁 gravy / 香ばしいかおり spicy savorI cooked roast beef today. To keep the inside red a...

千と千尋の神隠しのお宿~古山閣 Onsen inn of Spirited Away.

Onsen inn of Spirited Away.Expression~で世界的に有名  world famous as~どこか~な雰囲気がする。 There is something ~This is the onsen inn, w...

アメリカ人女将ジニーさんのお宿~藤屋 銀山温泉

Radical new Japanese style Fujiya-inn.Expression~で有名 famous for~  / 露天風呂 open-air bathAmong old Taisho era buildings, F...


Ginzan Onsen, the model of "Spirited away."Expression心身休める  rest both the body and the spirit.GinzanOnsen is an onsen (h...


Finding Glen Cooper!Expression飲みに行く go drinking / 酔っ払う get drunkI was so excited. I found an old friend of mine from BU,...


Japanese lunch specialtyExpressionOne block behind ~. / ~の一本路地裏I had a lunch meeting with Kato-san of D publishing.I cho...


Chinese sweets cafeExpression~越しに話す talk over~/ 薬草 medical herbAlways there is a line in front of the cafe because of th...


African areaExpressionたまらない魅力 irresistible attraction / のびのびと freely and easilyThey were an irresistible attraction wh...