
Palmolive ? American detergent

パーモリヴ ーアメリカの洗剤Expression日常の雑事 daily choreI like American Detergent. Some smells too strong, but those scents are differ...

Where is the door?

ドアは何処に?Expression家の近くに  close to my placeThere is an Italian restaurant close to my place. It seems very cool, but I can...

I see! Shoes display at Spiral

なるほど! スパイラルの靴ディスプレイExpressionきちんと整った・いい感じの  neatI found a very neat shoes display at Spiral hall on 246 ave.When I saw t...

Is this real?

これってホ・ン・モ・ノ?Expressionーだろうなぁ  it would be ーThis omelet looks real but actually this is a fake omelet, which you can find...

Tiny Dolls Festival 

ちょっとした雛祭りExpression人指し指  forefingerThese Hina Dolls are made of glass and really tiny. The size is about the size of the...

Web like window frame

くもの巣みたいな窓枠Expression自己主張をする assertiveWhen you look at this picture, you may feel as if you are walking on a web?This i...

A bowl made of ice

氷の器Expression知ってた?    you know what?Sashimi was served in a white bowl, and you know what? The bowl was made of ice! Wit...

Sooo Good! Pear Danish

超美味!梨のデニッシュExpressionぐつぐつ煮る  simmerOne of my favorite bakery is BIGOT. Especially, I love the Pear Danish, which has dec...

White flower on the sidewalk

道端の白い花Expressionすぐ近くに around the cornerI found a white flower on the sidewalk. It’s still February, but it shows us that...

Art Galleries on the top of buildings.

ビルの上のアートギャラリーExpressionあと押しする・持ち上げる  boostWhen you are walking on the street, you’ll find many building boards with pic...

On the edge of cool and wack

クールとダサさのビミョーなところExpression境界・ビミョーな境   On the edge What do you wanna eat from this dish? The edge is surrounded by illu...

Combination colored desk

カラー・コンビネーション・デスクExpressionーに馴染む  blend intoーThe picture looks like a Piet Mondrian painting. This is, however, a desk. Y...

It's snowing!

雪が降ってる!Expression降ったりやんだり  on and offI was in Tohoku today.It was snowing on and off and the snow lied slightly on the g...

Chocola Yatsuhashi

ショコラ八ッ橋Expression特徴的な DistinctiveIs this a Japanese sweet or a French one?  Chocola Yatsuhashi is made of rice cake, fil...

Love, love, love

ラブ、ラブ、ラブExpressionいずれにしても  At any rateIn this season, you can find many heart-shaped things everywhere, because of Valen...