

Play with your shadowExpressionポーズを変える change one's postureYouka found a black shape moving with her.She faced to it and...

甘くてトロッと絶品! ハヤシライス

Tastes Great! Hayashi rice of Maruzen.Expression人に~をご馳走する  treat someone to~The manager and executive officer of Maruzen...


An hour to live, an hour to loveExpression心動かされる。感動的な  touchingMuramatsu-san, an editor of Nihonjitsugyo-shuppan, sent m...

京野菜のイタリアン ー イル・ギオットーネ

IL Ghiottone料理  cuisine /  行きつけの one’s frequentI went to an Italian restaurant, that uses Kyoto vegetables, called Il Gh...


Hot is floating in the cold air!?宙に浮かぶ floating in the airIn the late afternoon, I just looked up toward the sky and…I ...


I’ll write for Asahi Newspaper on Feb.3rdExpressionお知らせです。  This is a notificationThis is a small notification.My column...


Influenza is going around!Expression湿度を保つ  keep the humidityAt Youca’s nursery, more than 15 kids are absent because of ...


Magellan’s crossExpression取り残される be left behindWe visited Cebu city. The City’s atmosphere is a fusion of Europe and the...

熱が出た!~ セブ島紀行4

Cebu island journey 4 – Got a high fever!Expression熱をはかる  take a temperature Wherever Youka goes, she is always vi...


inauguration dayExpression就任する・始動する  inaugurate"What is required of us now is a new era of responsibility...This is the ...


What happens at night - Cebu island journey.Expressionたくさんの~  plenty of ~We could enjoy the exotic atmosphere of a south...

セブ島紀行2 ~プルクラ滞在

Cebu island Journey 2 – Stay at Pulchra resortExpression日向ぼっこ  bask in the sunI stayed at the villa style hotel, P...


Cebu island journey 1 - It’s really nice to be over the cloud!Expression常套句・言い古された言葉   clicheLooking out the window, I s...


Top 10 New Year's resolution.Expression~することを誓う  vow to~The New Year is a time to reflect on the changes we want or need...


2009 is here!今年1年を通して   all through this year2009 is here! New year is the time to celebrate a beginning, a time to wi...