

Garlic chopper!取り除く  get rid of~After chopping garlic, It’s really hard to get rid of the smell. But if you use Garlic c...


Have a great holiday season!Experssion理想的な時  ideal timeChristmas is an ideal time to express love and good wishes for th...


Christmas songs that bring back memories.Expression懐かしい音楽 old tuneI bought a CD, Party X'mas, yesterday. The CD includes...


Person of the year 2008!思い浮かべる  come up to mindBarack Obama was selected as the “Person of the year 2008”. According to ...


Jamón ibérico Iberico hamExpression塩漬けの cured / 乾しておく  leave to dryJamon iberico is a type of jamon, a c...


Two ghostsExpression完了/すべてそろった   all setTwo ghosts hug each other. After putting salt in the white ghost and pepper in t...


One dollar a year!Expression~で生活する  live on~ The CEOs of GM, Chrysler, and Ford presented their plans to rescue their tr...


Different music for different timeExpressionそんな気分  in the moodYou might have different feelings depending on the time of...


Roast pork easy to cook.ひと塊のa chunk of~I cooked roast pork today. After putting garlic, ginger and Chinese onion with a ...


Merry you!Expression~に参加する・一端を担う  participate in ~There are many colorful pictures of “merry” faces on the walls in Star...


How to eat raw eggs 365 daysExpression興味深々  be curious about~Can you imagine eating raw eggs with steamed rice 365 days ...


The official release dateExpression自分の意志で my own will / 二日酔い hangoverThe official release date of Beaujolais Nouveau wa...

瞬間英作文ドリル - 話す力が一気に身につく!

To improve your English conversation skill!Expression格闘する・必死に取り組む  struggle with~When I was struggling with English to g...


Only passengerExpression怒られる  get warned/ get yelled at>We took the Tohoku Shinkansen from Kurikoma Kogen Station in Iw...

旨いワインと、おつまめ with マヴィ& キヨズキッチン

Organic Wine Party with Mavy & Kiyo’s kitchen オーガニックワイン会☆Expression~の味つけの   ~seasonedOrganic Wine Party is a gathering t...