

QuriosityExpression懐かしいキブンになる make me feel nostalgicI have some years of absence from Japanese culture. One of the years...

ひゃー、丸焼きだ! -バリ島紀行 最終回

Wow, it’s roasted piglet! in Bali 5オープンエアのレストラン  open alfresco restaurantI came to a Balinese open alfresco restaurant, ...

酸素のプール -バリ島紀行4

H2O café pool in Bali 5Expression楽しみ、すごくいい  kickII, Youka, one-year-old, wasn’t sure what the “resort” is. So, I ...


Japanese style houseboat in the rainExpressionどしゃぶり   rain cats and dogsI rode on the Japanese style houseboat going dow...

お猿にやられた! -バリ島紀行3

A monkey stole my hat!Expression奪いとる rip offI came to a square to see Ketachack dance. On the way to the place, there we...

素敵なお店で楽しむハズが… -バリ島紀行2

Oh-oh! I dozed off! in Bali 2Expressionうたたねする doze offI, Youka, one-year-old, came to a cool restaurant “Kisik bar and ...

初めての海 - バリ島紀行1

It's sea! in BaliI came to the island, Bali. To tell you the truth, it doesn't matter whether I'm in Indonesia or Japan....


Fireworks' petalsExpression押し合いへしあい Jostle each otherI went to a Fireworks display. There were so many people jostling e...


A summer festivalExpressionひとすくいの~ one scoop of ~It's time for summer festivals! I visited Sendai Tanabata. There were m...


Expression就職活動 job hunting /転職 change jobsWhen I was a high school student, I just wanted to be a journalist or work for...


Wanted!Expression直帰する go straight homeI found a "wanted cat" poster put on the power pole. The cat illustrated in the p...


Nice little beach set.Expressionすっごい楽しい時間をすごす  have a blastI'll take Youka to the beach this summer. Thinking of the tra...


ちょい大人力検定 What's eating you? Expression何に悩んでるの? What's eating you?Do you remember when you were at 14-year-old? What's ea...


Talking cruetsExpression奇妙な・変な  weird.These cruets' name is "Talking."They are saying "yu" from "Shoyu"(soy sauce), "si"...


Krispy Kreme Doughnuts!Expression流行の波に遅れた。波を逃した。 miss the waveFinally, I ate Krispy Kreme Doughnuts! Yeah, I know I miss...