

Free and easy apple treesExpression背伸びをする stretch upOn the way to Great Grandma & Grandpa’s house in the Tohoku area, I...


Salad song調味料入れ  cruetThey are facing each other and singing happily as if they are kissing. These are an oil cruet and ...


Best wishes on your birthday.ExpressionAll through this year 一年を通して Youkabecome one year old today! It’s really nice t...


The oldest reinforced concrete apartment in Japan~へのこだわり  commitment to~I visited Hiroo Yamagata’s, a translator and wri...


Cool & HappyExpression~で楽しむ amuse with~I meet these two dogs with an old man sometime on the same street. Today, I dared...


Split of the sky!Expression真っ二つ split of~This is the sky one day. The picture is naturally taken and I didn’t do CG wor...

うめ版 – 【恋】

Dictionary and Photo book “Ume-ban”Ume-ban is a book combining a Japanese dictionary “Shinmeikai kokugo jiten” and a ph...


Lingering coldExpression長引く風邪   lingering coldI have had a cold for more than three weeks. Not only don’t I feel well ye...


It happened!Expressionまさにその日  The very dayThe very day I wrote the travel column about Tibet, Chinese state media carrie...

ノスタルジックな音のキャンドル ・ デイナデッカー 

DayNa Decker ・A candle that makes nostalgic sounds.Expressionくつろぐ  feel at easeIt makes sounds as if firewood is burning...


Clock in the chaosExpression無秩序な in the chaosYou can layout the face freely, so you can put the numbers anywhere you wan...

甘草屋敷の お雛さま

Hina dolls at Licorice house.Expression言外の意味   connotationThese Hina Dolls are collected by old Japanese family. One of ...


A river bank遠足 excursionI visited my hometown and went to see Shingendutumi, which was a river-bank created by Takeda S...


BuzzsearchExpression思い切って~する dare to ~I often eat “Strawberry Chanty”, a roll cake of Buzzsearch. This time, however, I...


Fail to receive the Japanese sward properly!Expressionがんばれ! Hang in there!Can you see? He fails to receive the Japanese ...